Friday, May 14, 2010

Still Here

I am still around and just trying to get through the end of the semester for David and all the kids lengthy fieldtrips. We are busy doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming (don't tell Nephi - he's terrified of the the vacuum), cleaning and packing - not to mention all the driving to and fro. I am hoping to update on the goings on around here this weekend - maybe tomorrow night or Sunday.

Quick health update: My pain level has reached new highs. I am now taking Vicodin regularly and it seems to help the pain. Other than that, I am a little tired, but all things considered I am doing great. Most of the time I feel good and I have noticed the more involved I am in the goings-on around here, the better I feel, physically and emotionally. I had a CT scan last Monday and I will get the results on Wednesday at my next doctor's appointment. I have my 14th round of chemo scheduled for Thursday and Friday of next week.

The biggest problem lately for me has been my memory. I have forgotten 5 or 6 things this week - places I needed to be, obligations and assignments that I was supposed to complete and I totally blew it!! I guess it is just "chemo brain" at it's finest! I have determined if there is anything in the future that I schedule, I must immediately punch it in on my calendar - otherwise it is not gonna get done. Good news is: I remember that I have an awesome husband and 6 children that rock. I have yet to forget one - although I was late to pick up one on Thursday because I got distracted - I hope that doesn't count - I was only 10 minutes late! :)

All is well here and we are really looking forward to this summer. I hope you are too!


Susi said...

thanks for the update Kaci :) Sorry the pain has gotten a bit worse. Hope the meds help with that. :) At least you have a good excuse for forgetting things.... ha ha.. If I don't write it down it's pretty much a lost cause! Hope you have a good week. We love you! Give all the kids hugs for me and Dave too! ;)

Jenny said...

good job on not forgetting the important things. i think chemo brain is a pretty good excuse for the rest, most of us have mom brain anyways. i'm glad there are drugs that are helping you to get around to where you want to be!we're planning to move back this summer so hopefully your kids will be up to some play dates at my house.

Sydney said...

Kaci you are such an inspiration! You are in my prayers and are one of the most special women I have ever met in my life:) Keep holding on!