Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vilate's Special Day

Vilate was baptized last night at the church. We had a great turnout and it was a wonderful service. Friends of ours brought this delicious cake from Ettore's - a local Italian Cafe. She loved it.
We are so happy for Vilate and pleased with her choice. Right after she was baptized I was helping her change out of her wet clothes and in to her white dress and she was so happy. She kept saying, "Now I'm a member of the church." She was so excited and pleased with herself.
Aren't they are cute couple? I love this picture of the two of them. My wonderful, handsome and worthy husband and my beautiful, sweet and innocent daughter. I love them so very much!!

Thanks to all who helped set up: my parents, David's parents, Tina, Alvina, and Bishop Timpson. And all else who came, helped and showed their support for our Vilate. Your examples and testimonies are much appreciated and bless the lives of us and our children.

4th of July

Our 4th started off bright and early at the park with the ward. We had a wonderful pancake breakfast. The kids walked, rode bikes, rollerblades, and scooters in a parade around the park. There was a great turn out and the kids had a marvelous time. I really enjoyed visiting with my friends and ward family.

We went home for a bit and then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Morgan's house to swim and BBQ and just have a bunch of fun with our cousins!
We missed having the Robinson family with us and we missed the "out-of-towners." But the rest of us had a wonderful time.

After the swimming, BBQ-ing and Yummy homemade ice cream - and after my nap - we went out front and let the kids do some "Morning Glory" fireworks. They love it and had a great time writing their names in Grandpa's gutter. Silly kids!!At the end of the many, many Morning Glories, Grandpa lit a whole bunch in his hand. The kids thought his torch was so cool. He couldn't lift it up like the Statue of Liberty because of all the sparks flying off but it sure was a nice looking torch!
After the festivities we went home and went to bed. It had been a really long, but very fun day!

I love the 4th of July. It is one of my favorite holidays. I am so grateful that we live in a country that was set aside and kept safe by the Lord as a place where the gospel could be restored. I know that I am blessed to live here and be a citizen. I love our flag. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star Spangled Banner make me so happy. They fill my heart with indescribable joy. I appreciate so much those young men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our country and I pray for their welfare. I am grateful to the Founding Fathers and their vision and dedication to this country. How blessed we are!

I hope you all had an enjoyable 4th of July!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is the new catch phrase at my house - CBL. It stands for "Come Back Later." Every night the older 4 kids ask if they can CBL. With summer and little kids in the house we still make everyone go to bed by 8pm. We try for 7:30, but we usually make it by 8. Nephi is accustomed to laying on the couch with Mom and/or Dad with all the lights out and a boring show on TV - boring meaning entertaining for us but boring for him such as NCIS, The Office, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. For him to fall asleep he needs there to be no distractions - especially kids around.

So we send everyone to bed and once Nephi - and Gloria are sleeping they can usually CBL. I just think it's so silly that they have come up with a code word so Glo and Nephi don't know what they are up to. The older 3 came up with it and Helaman caught on really quick so he hopped on board. They usually CBL and stay up until around 10. I am in bed by then and some nights I know they push that time even later. David stays on top of them, but he tries to get to bed with me before 9. We are getting old and we get tired.

My kids are so funny and I love their little codes.